Why I look younger than my age — Divinely Jennifer/Oasis Wellness

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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

Why I look younger than my age


Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Why I look younger than my age

Jennifer Schmid

Today, we’re doing something a little different with the introduction of our video blog.

Call it good genetics, but people frequently point out that I look younger than my age. And then I frequently point out that I am careful of what I put on my skin, the same way I am careful of what I eat and put in my body.

Instead of telling you how I nourish my skin, however, I thought it’d be a lot more entertaining to show you. 

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, most of today’s skin care products contain more nasty chemicals than fast food French fries. Worse, our skin absorbs 80% of the chemicals we put on it. 

I don’t want toxic chemicals anywhere near my body. 

I've become a huge fan of Pangea skin care products, which are all certified organic; contain only active, plant-based ingredients; and truly nourish my skin. Having tried many different natural skin care lines over the years, I love the way Pangea makes my skin look and feel. I also appreciate that it costs less than many other high-end skin care lines, natural or not.

Beauty might be more than skin deep, but health is no superficial matter.

And I want to be healthy on the inside and on the outside.