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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

Going with the Flow (the Juicy Astrology for August 16 through August 22, 2021, including the Full Moon)


Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Going with the Flow (the Juicy Astrology for August 16 through August 22, 2021, including the Full Moon)

Jennifer Schmid

Addendum: I am *such* a dingaling! Uranus the prankster got me good. The Sun moving into Virgo is NOT the Autumn Equinox. Thank goodness we have another 5 weeks until that happens! Forgive me, loves. But everything I said about the Sun in Virgo, I absolutely meant. :)


Beauties! As I look back at the astrology for the Full Moon on July 23 and the New Moon in Leo on August 8, I’m amazed at the synchronicity of it all, the way the relationships and personalities of the stars, planets and cosmos mirror their reflections of what is happening here on Planet Earth. As above, so below.

My heart is full of gratitude for the wisdom of the cosmos. There are a LOT of reasons to get frustrated by the 3D world right now. When people operate from a place of fear (which is really the root emotion of the energies such as control, authority, power, and greed), it can be really easy for the most spiritual soul to get sucked into their shadows and black holes.

I wish I could tell you that we only have a few more weeks of this energy, and then the stars will align in magical perfection and we’ll return to some semblance of “normal,” or at least “happy.” But I can’t tell you that. It’s gonna be a while.

This can all feel overwhelming, can’t it?  

The secret – which is really NOT a secret – is to engage as much as possible with those who operate from a place of love.

Specifically for this week, Uranus will continue to create both figurative and literal earthquakes with his trines to both Mercury and Mars. My heart goes out to the people of Haiti. I pray that the Caribbean quake is the only earth shaking for this week, but there is definitely a chance for more.

If you have been ignoring the messages of your body to start paying attention to your health, then Uranus, Mercury and Mars this week could jolt you into a reality you don’t want to face. As the Sun moves into Virgo after the Full Moon, we’ll feel a rush of inspiration to get organized so that we can indeed focus on our health.

Speaking of health, I’ve been super inspired by conversations with colleagues who are SO DONE with the state of our health care system, and I have more faith than ever that we can create a parallel system that is based on nature and sovereignty instead of drugs and compliance. It’s not informed consent if it’s mandated! I’ll get more into that, though, in this week’s Juicy Astrology, especially as we talk about the Seasonal Blue Full Moon on August 22 at 5:01a PDT.

 The overarching message of this Full Moon is that we must commit to a new social paradigm of love and abundance for all, starting with ourselves, then in our relationships, then in the collective.

As always, you don’t have to guess how all this Juicy Astrology affects your life and your health personally or in your relationships. You can schedule an astrology and health reading by clicking here.

In the meantime, tap into the magical love of Venus in Libra, the a-ha intuition of Uranus in Taurus, the prudent communication of Mercury in Virgo, and the innovative discipline of Saturn in Aquarius, and you can’t go wrong.

I’m sending you so much love!



Photo credit: Madex Photography

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