aluminum toxicity — Thoughts — Divinely Jennifer/Oasis Wellness

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Filtering by Tag: aluminum toxicity

When I used to be Pro-Vaccine and the 3 major events that changed my mind

Jennifer Schmid

I remember what it was like to be staunchly pro-vaccine. No exceptions. 

I remember how I would vilify people who didn’t want to get vaccinated themselves or didn’t want to vaccinate their children. I made derogatory comments about them. I called them “stupid” and “irresponsible.” I said that not vaccinating was like blowing cigarette smoke in your baby’s face. It was like letting them go hungry, or depriving them of warmth and shelter. 

And then one day, I found out that I was wrong. 

Terribly, painfully wrong. 

Amazingly, gratefully wrong. 

Three major events changed my mind.

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