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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

3 Important Reminders from the Universe


Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

3 Important Reminders from the Universe

Jennifer Schmid

When I posted my last blog, a part of me thought I was going to lose half of my list…

Instead, I had a net gain in subscribers. For every person I lost, someone else signed up after reading about my story.

It turns out, my struggle to come out of the closet as a psychic resonated with people. It was incredibly affirming.

Here are the 3 biggest reminders the Universe sent me last week:

1)    The Universe always has our backs when we speak our truths. By fulling owning who I am, because I was fully authentic and transparent, the Universe rewarded me with love and kindness that I was not expecting. In fact…

2)    There are a LOT of people out there hiding their intuition from others, and even from themselves! One person who read my post said, “I too always dismissed the unexplained thoughts, messages, feelings for fear of being misunderstood and different.”

3)    We all have at least one purpose – our way to make it a better place – on this earth. As scary as it can be, acknowledging, accepting and living this purpose, even in a small way, brings us intrinsic joy. This purpose can even morph and evolve over time, and that’s ok. For more than the first half of my life, my purpose was music. Then year by year, I started to learn about other gifts that I had and how to use them.  

And as I have discovered, when we deny breath and life to this purpose, we don’t just deny ourselves, we deny others as well. I cannot be of service if I am not sharing my gifts. None of us can. For me, I have to partner with others to use my gift. It’s about being of service to others.

Unfortunately life is complicated, and events, trauma, health issues, and even people can get in the way of our best life. Let me help you discover what’s holding you back. You never know who you might be able to help along the way.

Let’s connect with your own inner knowing. Click here to learn more about how we can partner to breakthrough your barriers to your best you. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the page for a special offering for those of you who are still undecided!

In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful start of your week.

Lots of love,
