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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Filtering by Category: Intuition

Awakening to the Delusion of Separation and Coming Together with LOVE: The Astrology of Neptune in Pisces PART 1

Jennifer Schmid

One of the things I love so much about astrology is that while we can’t totally predict the future, we can certainly anticipate the energy of what’s coming in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

And as I look at the days, weeks, and months ahead, I see that Neptune is going to be a major player all year long. Last year we had our eyes on the Pluto/Eris and Saturn/Uranus squares. This year, Neptune is in the proverbial spotlight, especially this spring.

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The Top 10 Things You Need to Know for the New Moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022

Jennifer Schmid

We have reached a turning point in the fracturing between the old and the new, the limiting and the expansive, and at our very core, fear and love. This week and the New Moon in Pisces at 9:34a PST on March 2, 2022, come with some extraordinary vital energy that potently ushers in the New Earth paradigm.

Here are the top ten (10) things you need to know for this New Moon:

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Basking in Mother Earth's LOVE: The Astrology for Jan. 2 (part 2 through Jan. 9, 2022 (including the Venus Star Point)

Jennifer Schmid

Before I talk about the astrology in the video, I thought it very important to address the physical symptoms that so many people have been experiencing over the last week. There are two ways to look at what’s happening, and in some ways we have to see them both in order to choose the path on which we want to focus. On the one hand, there is a downright assault through frequency on our well-being. It’s easy to focus on this assault and the anger and fear it may activate within us.

And yet, if we can acknowledge these forces, and then further acknowledge that more powerful, loving forces exist, not just the love of Mother Earth, not just love within our universe, but throughout the galaxy and the cosmos, then we can tap into the magic and the healing of these loving forces.

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Divinely Inspired: Carleena La Curandera

Jennifer Schmid

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Carleena La Curandera for the latest episode of Divinely Inspired. As you will see, Carleena is a beautiful beacon of light, both inside and out. May our conversation inspire you to shine your light more brightly, especially during these crazy times of uncertainty and imbalance.

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Listening to my Intuition Helped Me Kick Two Addictions When my Willpower Couldn’t

Jennifer Schmid

I’ve known for years that gluten is not my friend. The symptoms of my gluten intolerance have varied from everything from brain fog to bloating, but they are never quite severe enough for me to say ENOUGH. Although I attempt to “go gluten free” for 3-4 weeks at a time, usually while doing a cleanse, I come back to it, like that old friend who always gets you in trouble but seems like so much fun to be around in the moment.

I haven’t been able to stay away. I am addicted to gluten. And I’ve been addicted to gluten for pretty much my whole life. Until now…

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Coming Out of the Psychic Closet

Jennifer Schmid

You might not know this about me, but I have a gift.

I’ve been afraid to use this gift professionally or talk about it because of the stigma that can be attached to it.

I know that some of you are going to hit “unsubscribe” after reading this newsletter, and I’m ok with that. Naturally I’ll be sorry to lose you, but I’m not sorry to start flying my “freak flag.” Hiding this gift has negatively impacted my health and well-being in so many ways because when I don’t acknowledge or use this gift, I am out of alignment. No more.

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Using My Intuition to Protect Those I Love (and Prevent a Potential Disaster)

Jennifer Schmid

Perhaps one of my most life-altering intuitive moments came after I gave birth to my first child. Two days after she was born, a nurse came into my hospital room and told me that I needed to get the rubella (German measles) vaccine because I didn’t have immunity. She told me that if I wanted to have healthy babies in the future, then I needed to get the vaccine or risk major birth defects in future children.

At first I said no, but then something inside of me said I needed to do it. So I said yes. At the time I didn’t pay too much attention to my intuition, so it was unusual for me to listen.

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Listening to my gut might have saved my life

Jennifer Schmid

I was driving down the highway a couple weeks ago when it was time for me to merge from the 2nd lane to the exit lane. I had a “weird” feeling inside but thought that it had to do with the annoying fact that I was stuck between the guy in front of me (who had just cut me off before he decided to drive slower than the speed limit) and the guy next to me, who was traveling at the exact speed as the guy in front of me. Gauging the differences between the cars around me and the speed of the general traffic, I decided it was best not to tailgate but rather slow down to get behind the car next to me so that I could get over.

 Well, I didn’t really decide not to tailgate. It was as if a voice had said in my ear, “Don’t tailgate.”

 I think I can say with good faith that I generally do not tailgate, because driving in the Bay Area has its crazy moments. My partner and I often talk about the fact that tailgating is a recipe for disaster when the traffic and drivers are so unpredictable.

In this moment, though, I had wanted to tailgate, because I was annoyed with the driver in front of me for cutting me off and then slowing down. That’s double rude, don’t you think?

But the voice was very stern in my ear. “Don’t tailgate.” Despite my annoyance, I slowed back and began to get over to the right. I have learned at this point of my life that “the voice” – that inner knowing, my intuition, or my “gut” – was protecting me, so I didn’t argue with it.

“Don’t tailgate,” the voice continued. I scanned the road in front of me, looking for any signs of trouble. Nothing, it was all good, but I kept my distance from the cars in front of me anyway as I made my way to the exit lane.

And then, as soon as I was in the exit lane, it happened. A 10 foot ladder came flying out of the pick-up truck in front of me. It bounced twice in the road before stopping in the middle of the lane. I swerved around another large piece of metal flying at me as I broke hard and then was able to get around the ladder, slowly, by driving in the shoulder.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I knew what could have happened if I hadn’t listened to that voice.

Had I ignored the voice and been tailgating that truck, or even keeping the recommended distance, that ladder would have struck my car or worse, it could have flown through my windshield and injured or killed me.

When things like this happen – when I get warnings or messages – I often attribute them to my guardian angel looking out for me. Some people might call it “intuition” or simply their “gut.”

While animals are often praised for their instincts and intuition, our culture of “science” doesn’t always give humans the same credit. When we tap into our inner voice, especially in health care, some people call it “woo woo” or “quackery” and don’t take it seriously.

When we shut that voice out, we do ourselves a disservice. There are times when getting out of our heads and feeling into the situation are going to serve us far better than any “data point” or “evidence” might. That voice is there for a reason!

Has there been a time when you listened to your angels, your gut, your inner voice, and it kept you or a loved one safe? I’d love it if you’d comment below to tell your story.

In my next blog, I’ll share you how listening to my intuition helped to protect my babies from their own potential brush with disaster.

Lots of love,
