Using our Inner Voice to Tap into our Highest Self — Divinely Jennifer/Oasis Wellness

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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

Using our Inner Voice to Tap into our Highest Self


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Using our Inner Voice to Tap into our Highest Self

Jennifer Schmid

In my last two blogs, I shared with you how using my intuition helped me protect not only myself, but my children as well. (If you missed them, you can read them HERE and HERE.)

That inner knowing doesn’t simply protect or teach us, however. It also exists to help us expand into our full potential.

That statement is so important I'm going to say it again: Our intuition exists both to protect us and to help us expand into our full potential.

Our intuition exists both to protect us and to help us expand into our full potential.

From Seinfeld to Fairy Tale

Many of you know that I have been divorced for several years. While I have frequently joked about how ridiculous dating in my 40s could be, the truth is, it has mostly sucked. I had my heart broken over and over again. I have broken hearts. Nothing too crazy, just lots of, “You’re not right for me, so let’s part ways.”

 Why? Because I didn’t listen to my intuition and set the boundaries I needed to set.

 Fast forward to New Year’s this year, when I was able to get away for a night in the redwoods by myself to do some soul searching and rejuvenating. After giving up for several months, I had started dating again in November because of a sign I had gotten from the Universe. Once again, dating was a series of unfortunate events that made me desperately want to give up on it for the long-term. While I knew that my partner-to-be was out there, I wanted to delete that dating app from my phone and hope that Mr. Right would show up on my doorstep in a few years, after I got the kids off to college.

 I couldn’t, though, because that inner voice wouldn’t let me. It told me not to give up.

 Rather, in the quiet of the trees, I asked, What do I want? Who is that right person for me and how do I invite him into my life?

 The answer came back instantly, loud and clear: Expand your age range.

 Wait, what?! I asked back. I knew I was on the verge of something big, but that’s not what I was expecting.

 Yup. Expand your age range to 55.

 Until this time, the max age I was seeking on the dating app was 52. Sadly, a lot of guys lie about their age in the online dating world, and I didn’t want to be with someone that much older than me. However, by this point in my life, I have learned not to argue with my inner voice. It seemed like a fairly simple request, so the next day, when I was back online, I expanded the age range of potential “matches” to 55.

 Guess what happened? He appeared in my prospects the very next day. I “hearted” him, and we were a match. We met in person four days later and have been together ever since. It is the healthiest and happiest relationship I have ever had.

(And he really was 55, lol.)

Did it happen by magic? Not quite. It was me getting out of my head, out of my way and into my heart. I felt him there but kept shutting him out until I let go and tapped into the wisdom of my highest self.

Until I was ready to listen to my intuition, I kept attracting the same negative situations over and over again. Once I listened, though, my love life began to feel more like a fairy tale than a Seinfeld episode. And I’ve never been happier.

 How have you listened to your inner voice and tapped into the wisdom of your highest self? Or is there something that you haven’t been able to achieve that you know is right there just beyond your grasp? Comment below and let me know. 

In my next blog, I have something big to share with you. Some of you aren’t going to like it, but it’s time to let me be me and let my gifts shine, the way the Universe has intended all along.

