Chi Center — Thoughts — Divinely Jennifer/Oasis Wellness

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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Filtering by Tag: Chi Center

The Death and Rebirth of Personal Transformation

Jennifer Schmid

From March 21 to 26, I spent 5 amazing days at the Chi Center in Galisteo, New Mexico. Gail Larsen, the Transformational Speaking teacher I met in 2015 and then worked with in 2016, had gathered together 24 thought leaders from the US, Canada, and Australia along with Andrew Harvey, leader of the Sacred Activism movement, and Wisdom Healing Qi Gong Master Mingtong Gu. 


Our task?


To dive deep within ourselves personally and collectively to find our voice so that we can stop the downward spiral that our world is in — physically, environmentally, politically, spiritually. 

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