The Death and Rebirth of Personal Transformation
Jennifer Schmid
From March 21 to 26, I spent 5 amazing days at the Chi Center in Galisteo, New Mexico. Gail Larsen, the Transformational Speaking teacher I met in 2015 and then worked with in 2016, had gathered together 24 thought leaders from the US, Canada, and Australia along with Andrew Harvey, leader of the Sacred Activism movement, and Wisdom Healing Qi Gong Master Mingtong Gu.
Our task?
To dive deep within ourselves personally and collectively to find our voice so that we can stop the downward spiral that our world is in — physically, environmentally, politically, spiritually.
None of us had any idea what to expect when Gail called us this winter to invite us to be part of this life-changing event. We simply knew that whatever was to come forth would be transformational for ourselves, for our community, and for our planet.
Everyone deserves to have a Gail Larsen in their life! ❤️
Gail’s official intention was for us “to drop beneath mind chatter and old patterns to connect with a deeper inner experience from which to act, learn, heal, lead, and speak.”
Oh, did we drop and connect.
We laughed together, cried together, and fell in love with each other. We got emotionally naked and vulnerable and held space for one another. We bitched and moaned as our arms ached during the first morning Qi Gong practice and then smiled joyfully when they hurt a little less with each sunrise.
As Mingtong lovingly taught us, we simultaneously embraced the discomfort and the comfort.
We opened our hearts and tapped into Mother Earth’s abundance as well as her tears. She and all of her beings — humans, animals, plants, and even rocks — have endured so much at the hands of human beings, especially over the last 200 years.
Our motley crew of health care practitioners, lightworkers, animal and environmental activists, coaches, writers, consultants and more brought our unique gifts to the center of the circle and asked one another, “How can we serve at the highest level?”
The answers we got surprised each and every one of us.
Holy Fools, one and all
On our last full day together, we joined in circle with 1500 people from around the globe via Zoom to celebrate Holy Fools Day. Gail created this event in 2014 to honor those whom Joseph Campbell called “Holy Fools.” As Gail says, “Holy Fools are the ones who get their spark of madness on and take a soul-inspired action that they know is theirs to do.”
Holy Fools don’t care if people tell them no, that they’ll fail, they’re wasting their time, they’re silly or stupid and need to grow the hell up. To the Holy Fool, it doesn’t matter what “convention” says. What matters is that they heed the call within, that sacred voice giving them the courage to take the next step that only they can take.
This can make them very dangerous and powerful.
Transforming into a Holy Fool
Although I struggled coming to terms with my Holy Fool, eventually I found her while sitting beneath some ancient, wise stones on the top of a sacred hill in the high New Mexico desert. Some of the petroglyphs on the stones dated back 7000 years.
My Holy Fool within told me not to be afraid of my voice or my message to transform healthcare because I wasn’t coming from a place of my own “power” or ego. I was acting on behalf of Mother Earth and the cosmos. These magnificent “beings” need me to give voice to what they see happening, and what they want to see change.
It’s not “my” message. It’s theirs.
Understanding this — that it’s not about me, my business, or my message — was incredibly empowering and freeing. It took a ton of weight off of my shoulders. Suddenly I could hear so much more.
In my Holy Fools Day message, I urge people to listen to the wisdom of our children and also tell a sweet Holy Fool story about something my father, who is one of my favorite people on the planet, said to me a while back.
Perhaps the most important lessons that I learned at the Chi Center are that not only does everyone have a Holy Fool inside of them, but what that Holy Fool is inspired to say and do has the potential to touch hearts and positively make a difference in this world.
Click here or the button below to watch the replay of the Holy Fools broadcast. I come on at 25’30”, but I urge you to listen to the entire video. You don’t want to miss these beautiful, inspiring messages. Let them inspire you the way they inspired me.
Why am I sharing this story with you?
Because your voice matters.
Because I want you to know that there are people like me out there who hear you.
In general, you are quiet. I really want to hear back from you.
As we are re-learning from our children, when we gather collectively as one voice, we can make incredible positive changes to save our planet and all of the beings here — human, animal, plant, mineral, spirit.
There are many different ways we can get involved together.
When I occasionally ask you to comment on my blog posts, it’s really an invitation to speak your truth in a safe space. Better yet, you can join the Facebook group The Wellness Oasis* and share what’s coming up for you, what’s working and what isn’t working.
Your voice can help me help others.
You matter. You teach me what matters.
Moving forward this spring, I am going to ask some of you to partner with me in creating positive shifts in people’s health. I know there are a few of who who have been waiting for this call, and I’m excited for this next path on our journey together, so stay tuned to hear more.
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No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, I hope that you had a beautiful weekend of rebirth and rejuvenation. I send you much love and appreciation.
*Healthcare providers, please join us on Facebook at The Healthcare Oasis.
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