Recalibrating! Recalibrating!
Jennifer Schmid
Beauty! I’ve been looking forward to the astrology of February and March for the last 5 months. I’ve been anticipating these magical days like a child awaiting snow or Christmas or their birthday because I saw that it was going to be an extraordinary time.
And here we are!! Yippee!!
Whatever you have been envisioning, whatever world you imagine living in, it’s here. It’s a beautiful seedling asking to be nurtured through your love, patience, action, and protection.
I know a lot of people who were beyond ready for the energy to shift. January felt like it was 85 days long, not in a good way, but in a “is this ever going to end” hamster wheel. And yet there have already been some big awakenings since last week’s New Moon in Aquarius.
So many of us are recalibrating: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually… Recalibrating, like those old Garmin GPS systems we had in our cars before our phones took over. Remember those? When we would take a wrong turn or choose a different route, the voice would say, “Recalibrating! Recalibrating!” until it figured out what route you wanted to take. Sometimes it couldn’t find a route, and we either had to start over or just ignore it altogether, which meant having to trust our inner compass.
Part of this energy of intense realignment stems from the fact that most of us were taught from a young age not to follow our hearts, but to follow the path we’re “supposed to” take, the “sensible” path… the path that gets us a college education, a spouse, 2 kids, a reliable job (does that even exist anymore?!) and the white picket fence. If we're lucky, we may get a few weeks of vacation every year.
Our culture of profit and productivity does not support us following the calling and longing of our hearts. So we spend much of our lives in a state of halfhearted compromise, which actually saps our energy because we feel like we’re swimming upstream, wondering if there is another way to bring us ease and abundance.
And of course there is, because that’s how much the universe loves us! It’s amazing what happens to our vitality and joy when we do follow our heart’s calling and our intuition instead of doing the “shoulds” and “supposed to’s”. Instead of feeling like we’re in a constant battle for survival, we can roll with the flow of life, which sometimes shoots us down a waterfall, and sometimes lets us float gently. Most importantly, we flow WITH instead of fighting AGAINST.
Life wants us to flow WITH the current, not against it.
This pressure to follow our calling will really come to the fore during the first week of March, which I will keep telling you is some of the most extraordinary astrology I’ve ever seen! The new moon in Pisces and its accompanying astrology will make it nearly impossible – and incredibly uncomfortable – for us NOT to follow our soul’s path.
Physically our natural rhythms are changing. Some nights we’re wired and can’t sleep, other days we pass out at 8pm and sleep until the sun rises. Many women are noticing that their menstrual cycles are changing. Women who have cycled for years with the New Moon are now cycling with the Full Moon, and vice versa. Even women who no longer bleed are feeling a shift in their energies. We’re all feeling it physically, one way or another.
Some of you have also been experiencing a recalibration in your community, in your dreams, in your families and relationships, and in your professional life. The good news is, if you’ve been doing your “work” for the last several months, you likely now have the tools to adapt to these changes. And if you don’t have the tools in that moment, you may find that they suddenly land in your lap serendipitously at just the perfect time.
Like so many, I feel like I’ve been on a wild personal development journey for the last 2 years. And it wasn’t by choice! It was because I was out of alignment with the callings of my heart. The other day my beloved and I unintentionally dove into the shadows. It was triggering, er, activating for both of us. Luckily we each have the tools to take a step back and a deep breath before exploring what took us into the shadows. Later that day, I looked at the astrology for that morning and got a big laugh. It was all about conflict and wounding. You can’t make this stuff up! The Divine has such a silly sense of humor.
I am continually astonished at how astrology can help us navigate our shadows, or when others project their shadows onto us. Likewise, I am always amazed at how astrology can help us align with our highest selves, purpose, our soul’s path, and all the beautiful ways the cosmos holds us with so much love.
We need the shadows to align with the light. As Richard Rudd says in the Gene Keys, the shadows are what bring the gifts. We can’t see the gifts without working through the shadows first.
We move from the shadow into the light of our gifts.
Stand firm in your power this week. It’s not about digging in your heels. It’s about standing your ground, rooted in Mother Earth. It’s about refusing to be anything less than your best self. Mercury, who helps us with our communication, has two big transits on Friday and Saturday. If you’re able to speak your truth, you may be pleasantly surprised by conversations that feel like destiny… That they were meant to be. The Sun will further illuminate any action steps you need to take when it squares the nodes on February 15, setting the stage for the Full Moon. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what actions you take, so long as you do something!
Mercury moves into Aquarius on Valentine’s Day, where we will once again be filled with quirky, innovative ideas and ideals. You’ll have more success in communications if you can be friendly yet emotionally detached rather than take things personally.
Pallas Athena is also going to help us stand in our power. She finally enters Aries on Sunday the 13th, after spending 11 months in Pisces, where she has helped us hone and trust our intuition and strategize our dreams through feeling instead of thinking. She’ll be in Aries until April 30. You may suddenly find yourself wanting to start an exercise program, change your diet, or even take up fencing while Pallas is in Aries! She knows that it is so much easier to be a love warrior when we are physically strong. I notice for myself that a vigorous walk in nature is often the best remedy to clear my brain fog and bring me mental acuity when I’m upset about something. Then I also no longer want to fight whatever it was that pissed me off in the first place, or I have a better strategy in place if there is conflict needing to be addressed.
Many of us feel like we are facing battles right now, both inner battles as we continue to take steps away from the mainstream and towards the New Earth, and outer battles, as we set boundaries for our kids, our communities, and our sovereignty. Pallas Athena knows that the wisest course of action combines strategy, diplomacy and, just in case, physical prowess. For the next 10 weeks, she’ll be encouraging us to dance with our courage and fortitude on our individual heroine’s or hero’s journey.
You may find yourself taking risks outside your regular comfort zone, and that’s just how Pallas likes it when she’s in Aries. She knows that the intuition you’ve spent the last 11 months cultivating will help you decide which risks to take and which to avoid.
These are truly incredible times we are living in right now. No matter how frustrated you might sometimes get with the mainstream – and yes, I do occasionally want to slap certain people and scream in their face to WAKE THE F*&K UP!! – use this energy to focus positively on the future that YOU want. Pay attention to the shifts and changes within YOU so that you can thrive, even amidst what seems like chaos. Find your flow, and let the Divine do the rest.
That’s how much you are loved.
I love you!
Standing your ground, in your strength
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