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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Self-care for mamas, nurses, and other amazing heroines

Jennifer Schmid

I can get really shortsighted when it comes to my own health. I’ll admit that. If you’ve ever heard the expression Healer, Heal Thyself, I can tell you that most of us health care practitioners are pretty bad at healing ourselves. I am no exception. I’m really good at guiding people towards the products and people they need to get well and to get on the path to optimal health, but for myself? Yeah, not so good. And I’ve learned that the hard way.

This is not to say I haven’t tried many times to go it alone, but it has never served me. What I’ve found is that I do much better and am able to accomplish my goals when I have another expert guiding me. I’m also better able to stick to the plan when I have a group where we can cheer each other on and support each other. We are, after all, human beings who thrive on connection with one another.

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